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Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Mar 27, 20222 min read
Muscle Vs Fat - How Accurate is your BMI?
When looking at fitness superstars such as Dwayne Johnson or John Cena, it can be hard to believe that, medically speaking, they're...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Feb 5, 20224 min read
The Importance of Goals and how to best approach them
Happy New Year! What a time we live in. 2022… This is the year you should go after your goals, your ambitions, whatever it is that you...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Jan 2, 20222 min read
A Brief, Beginners Guide to Running
As the weather starts to improve more people seem to be focusing on running as a method of getting fit. Whether it be first timers or...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Dec 19, 20213 min read
Back pain & MRI scans – discussing the prevalence of spinal degeneration in asymptomatic individuals
MRI technology is an accurate method of measuring degenerative changes in the spine. It provides clear images of the soft tissue deep...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Dec 9, 20213 min read
To Rest or Not to Rest? Managing Pain Flare Ups When You Have Chronic Pain.
Living with chronic pain is like living with constant heavy metal music playing: you can’t completely get rid of the music, but can turn...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Nov 19, 20213 min read
Energy Metabolism: the What and the How.
For us to move around and participate in life, the body has 3 complex pathways that are responsible for the creation of energy. First of...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Nov 7, 20213 min read
One Step At a Time… Why We Should Be Walking More.
From the very start of life, we were made to roll over, to sit, to crawl, we were made to walk, we were made to MOVE. Walking is the...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Oct 22, 20212 min read
5 Physio Myths Busted
1) I need a doctors referral to see a physiotherapist. You can absolutely come straight to physiotherapy after an injury, without seeing...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Oct 3, 20212 min read
5 tips to help reduce low back pain
Did you know that 85% of the population experiences low back pain at some stage in their life? 90% of these cases will resolve over 3...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Sep 23, 20212 min read
Did you know that exercise can provide health benefits for men with prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among males, effecting 1 in 6 Australian men. The risk of developing prostate...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Sep 3, 20212 min read
Tradies Health Month - August 2021
Tradies reported in a survey that 79% take good care of their tools. Only, 47% take good care of their bodies. Throughout the month of...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Aug 18, 20213 min read
Holy Core!
Reasons to why you should give a little extra care to this middle section of yours. We all hear it quite often being tossed around “work...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Aug 2, 20212 min read
Exercise and Chronic Pain
Last week was National Chronic Pain Week, chronic pain is a very important yet commonly overlooked conversation which we should continue...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Jun 17, 20213 min read
Workstation Ergonomics
The annual prevalence of neck pain among ‘office’ workers in Australia is as high as 82%. This is set to increase as more people are...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Jun 17, 20212 min read
A student insight to why a Multi-disciplinary practice improves your outcome
Studying Exercise Physiology, I have an understanding of what is involved when it comes to treating patients; however - I wasn’t too sure...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Jun 17, 20214 min read
A Dietitian’s shopping list:
The vegetarian staples everyone should try have in their kitchen! With the busy life we lead, eating well can sometimes be difficult to...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
May 26, 20216 min read
Let’s talk about weight loss! 5 tips that can make a difference on your journey.
How often have we heard ourselves, our friends or loved ones talk about their plans of starting an exercise regime to lose weight and get...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Apr 8, 20212 min read
COVID 19- Tips on how to deal with this pandemic
COVID 19- Tips on how to deal with this pandemic, A Clinical Psychologist perspective. Like many of you, my plans for Christmas and the...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Mar 18, 20213 min read
Chronic Pain and Exercise.
What is Pain? Pain is a difficult topic to discuss as it is perceived by each individual differently. You will speak to many different...

Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation & Exercise Physiology
Jun 9, 20204 min read
A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
This week I had an interesting and open discussion with my staff on the role both a Physiotherapist and Exercise Physiologist play within...
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